Apple’s premium reseller Maple has an attractive offer for iPhone 11 owners. The company is offering iPhone 13, 128GB model, at just Rs 35,500. This price includes exchange value, bank offers and Maple exclusive flat discount. The offer is only available at Maple stores. Interested buyers can can register for the buyback offer on the reseller’s website by sharing their name, mobile number and email ID.How the iPhone 13 at Rs 35,500 offer works
The offer is valid on the base model of iPhone 13, which is 128GB, and comes at MRP of Rs 79,900. As per the banner on Maplestore website, Apple iPhone 13 priced at Rs 79,990, and can be purchased at Rs 35,513. The discounted price includes:* Maple exclusive discount of Rs 10,387
* Rs 5,000 cashback on HDFC Bank cards
* Rs 5,000 exchange bonus
* Buyback value of Rs 24,000. It is to be noted that the exchange bonus is available only on iPhone 11 models. The terms and conditions on the page read: “The offer is valid on all iPhone 13 models in good condition. Discounts and cashbacks will vary depending on the iPhone model being purchased.” They further adds: “Exchange offer is available only in stores.”
How much is iPhone 13 available without exchange offer
The iPhone 13, 128GB model, without the exhchange bonus is available at Rs 63,714. This price is valid only on Black colour. The Rs 63,714 price includes Rs 5,000 cashback available on HDFC Bank cards. The 128GB model pf Apple iPhone 13 is available at Rs 66,900 in limited-time deal on Amazon currently. It is also the headline deal of Amazon Summer sale that starts May 4.FacebookTwitterLinkedin